UFO's of the Northeast
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UFO's of the Northeast
Note: The links on this page
will take you to high resolution images.
Click on the number to go
directly to each sighting:
- Incident # 1
- Incident # 2
- Incident # 3
- Incident # 4
- Incident # 5
Hi There... I'm psychic medium, Doreen Molloy...
In addition to many metaphysical areas of study, I also have a deep interest in understanding the UFO phenomenon. Thanks to 'a changing mindset' and shows like UFO Hunters and Ancient Aliens... not to mention some of the people who post interesting videos to YouTube, like SecureTeam 10, Mystery History, etc., we are now seeing an explosion of reports surface from all around the globe. In fact, many UFO reporting sites can't keep up with all the submissions from the influx of sightings... resulting in a lag in the data entry (this means that the most recently dated sightings are often months old!).
In the meantime, I've decided to 'do my own thing' as they say; that means my camera goes where I go... and my intuitive senses will tell me when to 'point and click'. Others are doing this with me...
A rather interesting way to see a UFO, don't you think?
We are just 'getting started'... Our first sighting is posted below - and it's a stunning one... but there are others that follow it. So I invite you to check back on this page as I continue to update it with more photos and content.
Meanwhile, it begins here......
The images you'll see on this site [below] are NOT photos collected from the web. Rather, these are actual photographs that have either been taken by me or by members of my family.
KINDLY NOTE: If you live in any of the areas listed on this page - and have your own [high resolution] photograph of a UFO, I will consider adding it to this page... especially if it adds more dimension to the information that we have already gathered. Photo submissions must include your contact information, the make/model of your camera, the date/time/place of the sighting... as well as a brief description of the event.
If you have any questions, comments or submissions, feel free to contact me at: doreen@doreenmolloy.com.
Unless you've been living in a closet, you probably know that all UFO's are simply designated as 'unidentified flying objects'. And while we don't know exactly what they are, we DO know what they are not: they're not conventional aircraft.
However, there is now a new way for us to gather more information about them than ever before...
Q} Have you ever wondered why there are so many relatively clear photos taken of UFO's over the past 25 years-- far more than during any other decade of the past century?
A} It's due to the development of digital cameras. If you have one, take some 'sky photos'; you might be surprised at what you capture... especially if you have a graphics program - like Paintshop Pro, Photo Impact, Photoshop, Corel, etc. - which allows you to 'zoom in'.
It seems that UFO's can be seen 'quite clearly' using digital photography, even when they can't be visually seen with the naked eye.
Finger Lakes Region, Upstate New York
The following two photos were taken on April 27, 2009 from a small village on the eastern shore of Seneca Lake in Seneca County, New York. Both photos were taken between 10:00am and 11:00am with a Sony Cyber-Shot DSC W300 and are UNTOUCHED. The links to the original photos [at full size and resolution] are included below if you wish to examine them.
Seneca Lake (and neighboring Cayuga Lake) are two of the deepest lakes in this area. Seneca Lake has a maximum depth of 630 feet and Cayuga Lake has a maximum depth of 435 feet. The skies over the Finger Lakes region of upstate New York are 'a hotbed of UFO activity'; the locals [visually] see them regularly, during the day - as well as at night... (which makes me wonder just how many there actually are - since many of them are obviously 'cloaked' and can only be seen using digital technology).
The two photos below were taken mid-morning during an unusual power outage on April 27, 2009 [the story follows below].
The object in the first photo below is a little blurry.
But the second photo is SPECTACULAR!
This above (reduced) image is the classic 'bell shaped' UFO hovering over Seneca Lake in New York.
to view the entire image above
in full resolution.
686 K
The next photo was taken about 20 minutes later (from the same vantage point) after experiencing electrical disturbances and a power outage...(the full story is below).
To view this very bright object with a little more contrast, just tilt your screen slightly.
What IS this hovering over the lake?? Is it a solid object... or an energy source? Or is it some sort of a portal?
Whatever this thing is, it’s clearly elliptical in shape and does not show a reflection on the water like the sun does… Although there does appear to be some reflective anomalies scattered within the image.
to view the second image above
in full resolution.
826 K
The object above is NOT the sun; the image you see below shows sunrise over Seneca Lake and as you can see, the sky is still golden, not yet reflecting bright white clouds - or a bright blue atmosphere like you see in the photo of this strange object –which hovers at about the same angle above the horizon.
Both photos (above) were taken from a winery and vineyards in Seneca County, on the eastern shore of Seneca Lake, NY. This is the 'Finger Lakes region' of New York State. On the morning of April 27, 2009 just after 10:00AM Eastern Daylight Time, the winery began experiencing electrical malfunctions... The alarms were triggered - among other electrical disruptions throughout the facility... Shortly thereafter, there was a full power outage in this general vacinity that lasted for
about a half hour.
During that time, the second photo was taken; no flash was used... and nothing (i.e., no other source of light, or any other object) could be 'visually seen' in the sky with the naked eye... And as you can see, there was clear weather, blue skies (no lightning, etc.) - and no reflections from any other source (since the power was out).
But as the photo was taken, the camera display filled with immense ight - obviously, from the object seen in this photo.
Whatever this UFO is, it is extremely large with a very intense glow (notice the bluish halo around its perimeter). It's hovering right above the lake in the general vacinity of an old (and supposedly abandoned) naval platform which was used decades ago for submarine training and/or sonar testing.
We however, think that this is a very active facility - still in use to the current day. Conveniently, the government owns all of the property on either side of Seneca Lake... and it's clearly designated as
'A Restricted Area'. A tug boat which operates on this lake posted a photo of this naval platform on their web site and included a link about it... (which predictably, 'goes nowhere') - but at least you can see what the platform looks like... and you can also see it from Google Maps. Just search for Dresden, NY [then zoom out a bit - and select the Satellite image] and you'll see the platform in the middle of the lake below. The white arrow points to it in the upper right hand corner; it looks like the letter H - as you can see from the enlarged inset image..
There is also a similar facility on the western shore of the lake; you'll notice three stacks on that platform (unlike the platform in the middle of the lake with only two stacks). Unfortunately, there are no images of this (at the moment) because it sits on government owned land.
If you have any unusual information about these facilities - or have photographed anything similar in that area, please contact me at: doreen@doreenmolloy.com.
New York City
The following photo was taken on June 6, 2009 from Hoboken, New Jersey at approximately 4:00pm EDT with a Sony Cyber-Shot DSC W300 and the original photograph is UNTOUCHED. The link to the original photo [at full size and resolution] is included below if you wish to examine it. It was a beautiful day with clear skies and scattered white clouds - a very rare sight in the NYC metro area since we've been inundated with rain during the entire month of June.
We go to Hoboken often on the weekends when the weather is nice... My husband and I enjoy the scenic walkways and piers all along the Hudson River, not to mention frequenting a couple of good restaurants. On this particular Saturday, I thought it might be a good day to photograph the skies over Manhattan... and sure enough, we were not disappointed, even though I only took a few shots. Note: I did not see anything in the sky - or in the viewfinder of the camera at the time I took this photo; only afterward... when I viewed the photos on my computer.
Welcome to New York...
This above (reduced) image is the classic 'disc shaped' UFO hovering right over New York City... and not very far from the Empire State Building.
to view the entire image above
in full resolution. 124 K
Finger Lakes Region, Upstate New York
The following photo was taken on December 10, 2009 from Lodi, New York at approximately 3:35pm EST with a Sony Cyber-Shot DSC W300 (while facing southwest). The original photograph is UNTOUCHED; the link to the original photo [at full size and resolution] is included below if you wish to examine it. We took a whole bunch of sunset photos... taking about 1 or 2 photos per minute... since it was windy - and the sky was changing very rapidly.
The two craft seen in the image below could NOT be seen with the naked eye - and only appeared in one photograph. They appear to be traveling in a northerly direction and descending (probably into the lake), based on the direction of the vapor trails. There is a bright light at the top of each craft but if you look closely, you can see what looks like an 'energy field outline' of these ships - which are HUGE. Apparently some sort of cloaking device is used to 'mirror the surrounding terrain' which explains why they aren't seen visually. They seem to be traveling parallel to each other, so the slightly 'lower/smaller craft' is actually just farther away.
Seneca Lake is about a mile across in this region and the lake itself is over 600 feet deep... These craft are also traveling toward the Naval Platform mentioned in 'Incident # 1'.
Take a look:
This above (reduced) image shows the wispy outlines of two large 'saucer shaped' UFO's with bright lights emanating from the top, directly over Seneca Lake in New York.
to view the entire image above
in full resolution. 269 K
Here's a close-up from the full resolution image:
Both of the images above are untouched / unenhanced.
Ithaca, New York
The following five photos were taken on December 21, 2009 on board a Northwest Airlines Flight, on approach to Ithaca Airport (from Detroit). These photos were all taken within a five minute span at approximately 2:45pm to 2:50pm EST with a Sony Cyber-Shot DSC W300. The original photographs are UNTOUCHED; the links to the original photos [at full size and resolution] are included below each photo if you wish to examine them.
Remarkably, we were able to see this visually out the window - and it was keeping pace with us! Since we landed at 3:00PM EST (about 15 minutes after spotting this), it's obvious that we were at a fairly low altitude... just above the cloud line, approaching Itaca Airport. Whatever this was, it was fairly large - and it was cloaked. You'll notice that the irridescent glow around this actually has two layers to it: the inner one which is very pronounced... and an outer layer that is faint (but can still be seen - especially in the last two photos). There is some speculation that these types of discharges can be seen due to electromagnetic pulses that interact with (or produce) ozone in the atmosphere... and if anyone out there can validate this, please contact me. In the last close-up photo, you can actually see the disc materializing in the center (the full resolution images are a little clearer).
Take a look...
The thumbnail images below were sharpened slightly for easier viewing... but the originals are untouched.
Kindly Note: The high resolution links are very large files - as noted by the size of the images below.
# 1 We saw this looking out the window
to see full resolution
651 K
# 2 It was definitely moving with us...
to see full resolution
583 K
# 3 Nervous... it's going under the plane!
to see full resolution
623 K
# 4 Whatever this is, it's quite large...
to see full resolution
637 K
# 5 We can clearly see a semi-solid disc!
to see full resolution
621 K
Banner Elk, North Carolina
The following photo was taken on September 20, 2012 at an elevation of 6,000 feet from the area of Banner Elk, North Carolina at approximately 6:00pm EDT with a Cannon 2TI and the original photograph is UNTOUCHED. The link to the original photo [at full size and resolution] is included below if you wish to examine it. It was a beautiful day with clear skies and scattered white clouds - and a little bit of haze... considering the altitude. We did not see anything visually in the sky, nor did we see this in the viewfinder of the camera. This object appears to be quite large and we can assume that it was moving very fast based on the fuzziness coming off the right side.
The peak directly below this UFO is called Grandfather Mountain... and after doing a bit of research, we found out that this area is a hot bed of UFO activity. There's quite of bit of information available about the 'Brown Mountain Lights' (in articles, documentaries, books and on the web). These 'lights' have been seen for centuries; earliest reports go back to the late 1700's, yet to this day - no one knows what they are. What's interesting about the photo we took is that we captured this image in full daylight.
And as many of you already know, a large percentage of UFO sighting reports include the description of an orange orb - or something with an orange or reddish glow around it.
Take a look...
This above (reduced) image shows a round orange UFO hovering right over a peak called Grandfather Mountain in North Carolina.
to view the entire image above
in full resolution.
1,054 KB
Thanks for visiting...
More sightings will be added...
Doreen Molloy