Doreen Molloy is the author of Proof Positive – Metaphysical Wisdom, and has a private practice in Union City, New Jersey as a psychic medium. Doreen also teaches workshops on Psychic Development, Mediumship Development, Introduction to Tarot and Beginner's Astrology.
Some of her abilities include clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, psychometry, remote viewing and channeling.
Doreen was lab certified through the University of Arizona's VERITAS Research Program, under the direction of Dr. Gary E. Schwartz, author of The Afterlife Experiments and The Truth About Medium.
Doreen participated as a test subject in mediumship communication and survival of consciousness studies from 2003 to 2008.
Since 2008, Doreen has been participating in mediumship research at the Windbridge Institute in Tucson, Arizona.
She is a Level 5 Windbridge Certified Research Medium [WCRM] and serves on the Medium’s Advisory Board.
Doreen also serves on the Medium’s Advisory Board for the Forever Family Foundation in Oceanside, NY and volunteers her time to assist the Foundation whenever possible.
The goal of the Forever Family Foundation is to further the understanding of Afterlife Science through research & education while providing support and healing for people in grief.
In addition her psychic insight, Doreen is also licensed by the Grief Recovery Intitute of California and is listed as a certified Grief Recovery ® Specialist.
The Grief Recovery Method ® is primarily an educational [or re-educational] experience based on the fact that most of us were never taught effective tools for dealing with grief. Through these workshops, participants are able to recover and move on with their lives in a positive and productive way.
You can contact Doreen via email at: