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Doreen Molloy
Grief Recovery
Experiencing Loss
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Grief Recovery
Experiencing Loss
Doreen Molloy is licensed by the
Grief Recovery ® Institute of California
as a Grief Recovery Specialist.
As a trained facilitator through the Grief Recovery ® Outreach Program, Doreen can moderate workshops that are specifically designed to "help heal your heart" from the pain of loss.
"Grief is the result of undelivered communication in situations of loss events"... such as death, divorce, loss of a job, empty nest syndrome, loss of health... and many, many others. The program was developed by John W. James and Russell Friedman, the founders of The Grief Recovery ® Institute and co-authors of The Grief Recovery Handbook and When Children Grieve [with Leslie Landon Matthews]. The workshop differs from other types of therapy or grief counceling and is specifically designed to assist all those with broken hearts retake a productive place in the mainstream of their lives. The uniqueness of the program lies in the essential idea that grief is a normal and natural emotional reaction to loss.
Grief Recovery ® is primarily an educational, or re-educational experience based on the fact that most of us were never taught effective tools for dealing with grief. Through these workshops, participants are able to recover and move on with their lives in a positive and productive way.
For further information about
The Grief Recovery Institute ®
visit the web site at:
Grief Webinar:
Life after Grief: Adapting to a New Reality
Available in a PowerPoint presentation.
In the blink of an eye, our world can change
with the loss of a loved one.
Please join me for this one hour PowerPoint Presentation and I will share some insights and suggestions that can help you to heal from the grief you’re feeling. Using some simple techniques, you can slowly release the painful feelings that are associated with loss through death... and eventually celebrate your loved one’s life – and reclaim your own – without tears.
Click Here
to schedule an appointment
And Meanwhile...
Just take one day at a time...
"Only the Broken Hearted"
Eric Clapton ©
Time: 7:52
Click on the CD to start the Music
Here are some other resources:
Forever Family Foundation
Good Grief